Friday, August 29, 2008

Fergie Can't Take a Joke, Kills YouTube Parodies of Her Song

Logging onto YouTube this morning I discovered that one of my video posts, an entertaining spoof of Fergie's song "Fergalicious", written by my cousin for a group class science-project and called "Sciencelicious" had been taken down without any notification from YouTube or explanation.

After digging around, I found out that many other parodies, be it "Mathmaticious" or "Chongalicious", have been taken down as well. The only explanation I can come up with? Fergie and her record label decided parody was an infringement upon her intellectual property. Which is BULLS**T.

Surprisingly, other parodies like "Bananalicious" and "Calculicious" are still standing, which leads me to believe either the lawyers' goons haven't found every other video yet (which is surprising when the "Related Videos" window to the right makes it oh so easy to do), or there's some other foul intent at work.

You know, I never really liked, or respected, Fergie to begin with, but crap like this, removing videos by innocent young people who just want to use that musical beat to make fun songs and then share those videos with the world, making absolutely NO financial or professional gain from it, doesn't help her case and is pretty ludicrous.

No news stories have picked up on this, and I don't expect many to do so. Maybe some emails to CNN will shed some light on this story.

Fergie, you're now on my Enemy List. Or would be if I was Richard Nixon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad - "Sciencelicious" could have been a classic ...

9:54 AM  

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