Tuesday, December 02, 2008

What I Learned From the Presidential Election

Obama is an easy person to imitate.

John McCain should have been president the past 8 years, but not the next 4.

I never want to see Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber ever again.

The John McCain we've seen the past 9 months was actually a robot made by the Republican party. They destroyed that robot as punishment after it failed to secure the presidency, and the real McCain was released to give his concession speech.

Give Palin a tv show. I won't watch it. But don't give her the chance to rule the nation.

The Election might be responsible for a resurgence in Saturday Night Live's popularity over the next few years.

Making Joe the Plumber a symbol for the Republican party was and is a bad, bad idea.

With Obama's victory, the rest of the world looks at America as something to once again be respected, admired, and imitated. I don't think any other candidate could have done that.



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