Monday, May 08, 2006

Spooks or Soldiers?

I don't make political posts often. In fact, this may be my first one, though I think of making plenty every day. Unfortunately, I'm never around the computer when these thoughts come to me, but you may see more in the future. Depending on where I am, of course.

Today's post regards President Bush's nomination of Air Force General Michael Hayden as the new replacement as head of the CIA after Porter Goss resigned friday. That's right, a military man to oversee a civilian spy agency.

Maybe this is crazy, maybe I'm just weird, but it seems right and normal and the common sense decision to nominate, gee, I don't know, maybe someone actually WITHIN the CIA to succeed Goss. Why go to a completely different sector of government, one overseen by the Pentagon, to find a leader? Why not just go to the Number 2 guy within the CIA, someone who has actual experience within the agency and one who knows how things work? When Goss became CIA director, we heard of all kinds of CIA agents and employees feeling ignored, left out, and disrespected. If Hayden is confirmed, I'm sure we'll hear of more.

I don't know. I just don't get it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! Chris did a political post!!! Be careful... you may make emimies (I have).

xoxo Allie

7:41 AM  

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