Sunday, June 03, 2007

"Army Wives" Premiere Tonight

"Army Wives", the tv show I worked on last fall in Charleson, SC premieres tonight on Lifetime at 10:00 PM. I worked as a Prop Assistant and doubt my name will make it to the credits, but keep a sharp eye out just in case. In fact, this is the ONLY episode I worked on (the Pilot), so watch as much of it as you can whenever they repeat it. If they ever show any closeups of hand-written letters or addressed envelopes-- chances are that's my handwriting. Protest signs? Put them together but that's not my artwork. Big banquet scene? Yeah, I ran around like mad refilling drinks and putting on/taking food off plates. I can't remember anything else I can tell you to be on the lookout for, but I'll repost after I watch the episode tonight.




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