Friday, January 26, 2007

2006: The Best (and Worst) Year EVER!

Well its almost a month late, but they say better late than never right? Those people who make up the mysterious "they"... so clever.

Anyway. As in previous years (2004, 2005), here is my list of the Best and Worst of 2006. I called this year's list the "Best (and Worst) Year EVER!" for a few reasons. For one thing, 2006 was a good year for the most part. It started out wonderfully. I had a great girlfriend whom I loved, and we had a lot of fun together. I had a good group of friends and we went out and enjoyed ourselves quite a bit on the weekends (and every thursday night too, just for good measure). I worked on a lot of commercials in the beginning of the year and made some good money.

Then the middle of the year came around. Work got scarce. I started to become uninspired and stopped writing. I just hung out at home all day, reading the paper and doing the crossword puzzles until I could see Jennifer. My girlfriend and her roommate (and my friend) Trent had a falling out in their relationship which strained us all. But there were some good things. I travelled a hell of a lot during the summer. I went to Florida with my mom and Jennifer for Easter. Then I went to Myrtle Beach with my mom and Jennifer. A week later, I hijacked the same beach trip that my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins took. Then I went to Hilton Head for the first time in my life with Jennifer and her family- that was a wonderful week. Lots of fun. And lastly, I went to Mexico with my brother, dad, and his friends. But the good times were soon going to end.

Then the worst part of the year, the second half of 2006 began. Jennifer and I took a break from our relationship. I was very sad. My 15 year old dog, Jazz, well his health started to deteriorate. Jennifer started spending a lot of time with another guy, someone who I thought was my "friend", and I use the term lightly. On September 11, we put Jazz to sleep. It was not a good time for me.

A week later, things started looking up. I got a call from the prop guys I worked with the previous year on "The Ultimate Gift" and they offered me a job on a tv pilot they were working on in Charleston, SC. I should have been happy, and it should have been fun, but surprisingly, the trip away from home made me feel worse. Living in a hotel room for a month, away from family, away from Jennifer and unable to try to work on our relationship for the better was depressing.

The work was good, though, so I shouldn't complain. On my return home in October, I made plans to attend some UNC football games with Jennifer, namely the games againt our rival N.C. State and the one on our Homecoming weekend. I planned to cook a really nice dinner for Jennifer and me. I was excited about Halloween and planned to carve pumpkins and go to a Halloween party at Trent and Jennifer's house. I thought Jennifer and I would get better. But then, after a week and a half of being home, I got yet another call for another job in SC, this one being two months long.

So I took it. It wasn't too bad, though we didn't have set days off, so the usual schedule was working 13 days straight and then having one day off before going to work again. I would take advantage of the 2 hr distance between Aiken, SC and Charlotte and drive up to see Jennifer during those nights off. We'd watch movies and go out to dinner. I thought we were getting better. Then I found out she had been hanging out with another new guy. Granted, we were on a break, but it still seemed disrespectful to me.

I missed the football games. I missed Halloween, the pumpkin carving, the parties. I missed everything I had planned because of the job. I missed Jazz. I missed Jennifer. I thought things were getting better between us, but I guess I was wrong.

Finally, I came home for good the second week of December and was very glad. At the end of the week, however, Jennifer and I broke up for good. That event sort of ruined the rest of the month for me. I didn't really care about, nor looked forward to my birthday the following week, though the surprise party with family and friends was terrific. For once, I didn't really care about Christmas that much. New Year's and thoughts of the inevitable, somber tune of "Auld Lang Syne", the first kiss of the new year, and memories of the previous New Year's Eve with Jennifer just depressed me. And then 2006 ended.

So that was the year in a nutshell. Good things: jobs, Jennifer, travelling. Bad things: lack of jobs, death of Jazz, the loss of the love of my life.

And so without further ado, here is the LIST.

BEST MOVIE - "V For Vendetta"
BEST SONG - TIE: "Crazy" by Gnarles Barkley and "Soul Meets Body" by Death Cab for Cutie
BEST MUSIC VIDEO - "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse
BEST TV SHOW, COMEDY - "Southpark"
BEST DVD RELEASE - TIE: "Seven Samurai" 3-disc re-release by Akira Kurosawa and "Kingdom of Heaven" 4-disc director's cut by Ridley Scott
BEST CGI CHARACTER - Davy Jones from "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"
BEST SPORTING EVENT - UNC beats Duke, men's basketball
BEST MOVIE PREVIEW SPOOF - "10 Things I Hate About Commandments"
BEST SNL SKIT - "My D--k in a Box" by Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg
BEST COMIC BOOK SERIES - Marvel's "Civil War"
BEST PARTY - TIE: Leslie Street's 24th birthday and 4th of July parties in Pittsburgh and at the Wilkinson's
BEST TRIP - TIE: Myrtle Beach and Hilton Head with Jennifer and her family
BEST CEREAL - Cocoa Krispies
BEST PLANET - Pluto (bc I said so, damnit!)
BEST WHOLE BALL - Whole ball of wax

And now for the dreaded "WORST LIST OF 2006".

WORST SONG I DIDN'T LISTEN TO - TIE: anything by Paris Hilton or K-Fed
WORST MOVIE LETDOWN - "X3: The Last Stand"
WORST MOVIE FIGHT - Iceman vs. Pyro in "X3: The Last Stand"
WORST LOGIC-DEFYING MOMENT IN A MOVIE - the immediate transition from day to night after Magneto moves the Golden Gate Bridge in "X3"
WORST CELEBRITY OVERKILL - Brangelina and family
WORST VILLAIN - Death, for taking my dog, the grandparents of so many friends, and, metaphorically, my relationship with Jennifer
WORST DECISION BY ME - certain decisions made in my relationship with Jennifer, which won't be disclosed here



Blogger TheSloan said...

My good sir, I know you don't even know me but I have to say, you aren't in that boat alone.
2006 saw the death of my childhood dog, Bandit, on my birthday...which pretty much ruined it.
In August it also saw the end of my relationship with my girlfriend of nearly two years. Well, August-November really, because we stretched it out a long time. Finally, the holidays were depressing and now she has a new beau for the new year.
Here's hoping for a better year for both of us, with all the good still mixed in.

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, you and Jenn. You and Jazz. Death was the worst.
Personally, like you, 06 sucked for the middle of the year (thru the end). Caroline moved away, Im forced to go to Hell-Land (aka Ardrey Kell), and my body wihered down.

Aye, we are in the same boat. I still miss old Jazz. He was a good dog. Things will lighten up! You just went to Rome, and who knows what will happen next? I think 2007 will be better for both of us.

xoxo Allie

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God in heaven that the Whole Ball of Wax pulled it out again this year. If it hadn't...not sure life would still be worth living.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to know I'm not alone in my misery. 2006 was the year of THE BREAKUP for me too. I thought we would be together for the rest of our lives. So I'm trying to give time time to get past the sadness, disappointment, anger, hopelessness, blame, what ifs, coulda shoulda wouldas, etc. etc. The sun always rises in the morning ... I trust my sun will rise again soon and will for you too.

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name Jennifer appears 21 times in your latest blog. 21 or 2+1=3

3 represents the triangle of which there are three sides. All of this has absoutlely no meaning whatsoever

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To find yourself jilted is a blow to your pride. Do your best to forget it and if you don't succeed, at least pretend to. Moliere (1622 - 1673)

Feeling grateful to or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life. Christiane Northrup, M.D.

10:06 AM  

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