Friday, January 11, 2008

Merry (Late) Christmahannuhkwaanzakah

Hey All!

It's a little late (almost a month), but I thought I better not start breaking traditions, or that would be one step closer to letting this blog die (which I can't let happen, I won't let happen, and I can't let that happen!). Because I usually always do it, its time for the annual Christmahannuhkwaanzakah Gift report (aka, What I Received For Christmas).

And because my birthday was a few days before, here's my Birthday Gift Report:

"The Princess Bride"
"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"

"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" - The Complete Recordings

"My Boring-Ass Life: The Uncomfortably Candid Diary of Kevin Smith" by Kevin Smith

Some good clothes. Duh.
Oh, and a really sharp pinstripe suit jacket. I can't wait to start wearing that around town (thanks mom!).

And now for Christmas:

The Stanley Kubrick Collection
"Heroes" Season 1 (in regular and HD-DVD versions)
"The Tick" vs Season 2
"The Simpsons" Season 9
"The Simpsons" Season 10
"Paris, Je T'aime"

"Super Mario Galaxy" (Wii)
"Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" (Wii)
"Super Mario Galaxy", later returned and traded for "Trauma Center: New Blood" (Wii)

"Children of Hurin" by J.R.R. Tolkien

"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" Vol. I
"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier", both by Alan Moore

Some new jeans, khakis, and sweaters, all great and just what I needed.

Also, as is the tradition, I received some cool Christmas ornaments, this year in the shape of Homer Simpson, Luke Skywalker carrying Yoda on his back, and the Grinch dressed as Santa Claus. When I finally start buying my own tree, I'm going to have the most kickass film and television related Christmas tree EVER, as all my ornaments are cartoon characters, comic-book heroes, or characters from some of my favorite movies. It. Will. Rule.

My stocking was filled with chocolates and candies, the most surprising of which was a pack of UNC Tar Heel bubble gum.

But the most unexpected gift of all, I have to say, was an Apple iPhone from my girlfriend, Jennifer. I didn't ask for, didn't expect it, never thought I'd receive it, and now I can't stop playing with it (which is just what she wanted, I'm sure). As a matter of fact, I'm blogging from it right now!

Okay, okay, I lied, its much easier to do it on the Macbook across the room, but the point is, if I wanted to, I *could* blog from it, although it would take a really really long time to do so.

So there it is. All I can say is that I made out like a BANDIT this year. As a matter of fact, I think that will be my slogan for Christmas 2007- MADE OUT LIKE A BANDIT (I need to get that engraved on an ornament).

I'm very pleased with all my gifts and I'm very grateful to all who treated me to one of the best Christmases in recent memory. Thanks a lot, family and friends. It was wonderful.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if you do start playing with it too much and ignoring me I'll be taking it back. Don't think I won't.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree one of the best Christmas seasons of all time for me too. Thanks for being part of it.

9:35 AM  

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