Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmahannuhkwaanzakah!

I won't get into the silly debate between saying "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays". It's a ridiculous fight, and the two sides are both right and both wrong. Changing the lyrics to Jesus-centric Christmas carols for kids to sing at their Christmas pageants- wait I'm sorry- Holiday Singing Showcases, is moronic and lame. And stringing up lights and decorating a tree with ornaments makes it a Christmas Tree, not a Holiday Tree.

However, boycotting stores that say "Happy Holidays" in an effort to not exclude their many varied Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto, Buddhist, Bahai, and "other" patrons, is *just* as ridiculous. The people that do this claim that Christians, which probably make up a whopping 80% of this country's population, are under attack and stores that do not use the word "Christmas" are taking advantage of the season.

What I can't wrap my mind around is the fact that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, NOT the giving and receiving of gifts. Admit it, Christmas has gotten very commercialized over the past few decades. So it seems slightly hypocritical to me when I hear Christians complain about certain stores using the phrase "Happy Holidays" and then speak of spending their money, on a multitude of gifts thus perpetuating the commercialization of an extremely important holiday, elsewhere. I feel like they've missed the point entirely and are fighting the wrong battle.

So in conclusion to this, and in reaction to that, I shall continue to just keep wishing people a very "Merry Christmahannuhkwaanzakah!"

I hope everyone has an immensely enjoyable weekend!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it crazy that the mall santa was asked to say "happy holidays" to kids now. Jewish kids don't believe in Santa. True story too.

*Happy Holida-I mean Christmas*

xoxo Allie

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shoulda put something about our play in there

peace and love

8:17 PM  

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