Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"Do what now?"


Well, I did plan to blog tonight, one of those rare nights in which I'm at a residence with internet access.

But like most ideas I have, the ones that I fail to write down on a notepad or napkin while it's still fresh in my mind, the topic I was to write about this evening has up and vanished "like a fart in the wind".

I'm sure I'll wake up in the middle of the night, bolt straight up in bed, and cry out "Eureeka!", or some other saying of equal worth and meaning.

And to make this post more meaningful, I'll just say that... within the next week, I should be finished with a first draft of a manuscript for my children's book.

But it's only a picture book. So that will only be about five pages long anyway, but it's five pages of rhyming stanzas that can be incredibly difficult to think of and be satisfied with in the end.

When I travel to Pittsburgh for the 4th of July, I'll meet with an old friend of my grandmother's, someone who is involved in publishing, and if he likes it well enough, he'll pass it on to his friends that work within children's publishing, and then we'll all just keep our fingers crossed, throw salt over our shoulders, knock on wood, pin tails on donkeys, throw black cats under ladders, and all that other superstitious stuff.


PS: Anyone who reads this blog and gets here by following the link from my AOL IM profile might want to start bookmarking it instead, as I'm no longer online often enough for people to catch me and thus my link. Seriously, just let me pretend there are enough of you out there that are affected by my lack of interweb connection.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bookmark your blog?? Do what now?

10:47 AM  

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