Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Welcome... to the Real World."

--The Matrix

Should I ever join MTV's "The Real World" and show my family and the world the real me?

Well, my family knows the "real" me, but they don't ever see me in "real" situations I suppose.

It was a question I posed to myself a few weeks ago as I watched the preview episode for the new season of RW. As a 23 year old, I think I'm in the last year in which MTV will accept people for their shows like Real World and Road Rules. Most of the members on the show nowdays are 19 or 20.

If I were to join, I'd be the old man of the house. Everyone else would look up to me. Or more probable, down to me, as I'm sure I'd be the shortest old person there.

But wait, that's not my only problem. Let's see, I'm not an Abercrombie model. I don't wear J.Crew and Abercrombie or Hollister or Structure (didn't that change names anyway?) everyday. I'm not Mr.Extremely-Buff man. I'm also not a cocky jackass.

So that much would work against me I'm sure. The way in which the producers pick characters that seem to fit archetypes has annoyed me lately. Why do we never see unattractive people on the show? Or fat ones? How about a really awkward, goofy, beanpole of a girl who isn't very confident in herself? Let's throw those people in a house with buff jocks and see how well they get along, who picks on who, and which ones complain that this whole experiment is a waste of their time. That's something I'd like to see.

Instead, every season we get the token minority, black, asian, or otherwise. We get the token gay kid, the token jackass jock, the token slut, the token Nice Guy/Quiet Girl that never angers anyone, and then we get the token alcoholic, which is sometimes represented by the entire cast.

Bah, MTV. You used to be cool.

Still, I wouldn't say no if you offered me a spot in next year's house. When I went to Pittsburgh this past weekend I had three cousins tell me to try out for The Real World. Then I started thinking: If I were to end up on this immensely popular show, my entire family would no doubt watch it.

Which could become a problem. Either I would stop acting "real", to protect my younger cousins, who do look up to me by the way (a strange concept for some of you I'm sure), from seeing me act a complete fool, and thus ruin the concept of the show and my "character" on it. I'd be the kind of person who'd lurch to a stop after letting loose some long string of foul curse words, then turn to the camera with my hand over my mouth and say "Whoa, whoa whoa, we can cut that, right?"

Or, I'd just act my normal self and end up getting into trouble, the kind involving either women or alcohol. Or both. I mean, have you seen the kinds of people they put on those shows and the situations they encourage?

I bet the MTV producers would think I'm just some slacker looking for a way to postpone my entry into the Real-real world. My audition video would go something like this:

"Okay, well, here's my house. Well, it's not really my house. I used to live by myself but my father sold that house, so now I'm currently moving into my mother's townhouse apartment. But I haven't really had time to unpack, so sorry about the boxes.
Oh, what kind of work do I do? Well, I graduated from college a year ago and worked in LA for a few months... Now I'm trying to find steady work in Charlotte but have only gotten lucky working on some commercials and a low budget indie film, yeah. Ahem. Uhh, yeah."

If I had to guess which archetype they'd place me into, it'd be the "Nice Guy Whom Most Everyone Likes, But Is Better Friends With the Girls, and Thus Pisses Off the Other Guys".

Oh yeah, or it'd be the "Boring Old Guy Who Still Doesn't Have a Job".

Or maybe... just maybe... I could be the "Funny Guy Who Turns Out to be a Party Animal and Surprises Everyone. AND Gets the Girls".

I just need some cooler hair.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

which one of your cousins looks up to you? No im jk I look up to you Chris, and thats true if you got onto the Real World your whole family would watch (i know i wouldnt miss an episode) but thats ok. haha you're babysitting right now.... hmmmmm....

3:44 PM  

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