Saturday, August 13, 2005

"I'm not worthless! And I don't have fleas!"


Movie Production Update #7

Well, that title's only half right. Last night the art department wasn't needed much for an outdoor shoot that lasted from 6 PM to 6 AM, so we went down to the Marina to work on the flea circus. I constructed a little circus flea out of blue modeling clay and used wire to create armatures for his arms and legs. His arms are outstretched, one arm clutching a cane, and his second set of arms are juggling four red circus balls (I used the wire to create an arch going from one hand to the other). He's sitting on a small barrel and he's even wearing a black top hat.

Needless to say, he's pretty cool, and he sits inside the empty round glass from a snow globe we dismantled for parts.

Tonight I took the bendy neck from a desk lamp and added a magnifying glass to one end of it while hooking the other end into the front of the suitcase flea circus. That way it looks like any townsperson can come by and manipulate the glass to see the tiny fleas walking the highwire or riding the carousel.

Either way, I just know that my Flea isn't going to show up that well on film. It'll be just like the jars I lost sleep over. And since he's made from Crayola Modeling Clay and not REAL clay (which Andrew couldn't find at Wal-Mart), we can't fire him and have him harden, so there's a real danger of him melting in the sun tomorrow. I do believe we will need a very special, private, air-conditioned room for P.T. Flea.

Anyway, Andrew is out of town so I'm sort of in charge. I have to get up at 5 to move all the stuff from the shanty (sarcophagus, trunks, my jars, etc) to my house so that we can later load it into a truck for the scene in which Will Patton's character, Eli Cottonmouth, comes into town. And then I have to move the flea circus and make sure it doesn't break- we only have one of them. And then I have to find an old timey cash register for the shoot tomorrow. And then.... and then I'm sure there will be something else for me to do.

Because there always is.


And I must say I'm really disappointed with how little time I've had to spend on these blogs lately. There's no real thought put into it anymore- I simply don't have the time, and so I feel like I'm really shortchanging you guys by not being able to put as much time and effort into my stories. I only have a small window of opportunity to write something, so it's always a first draft, and for that I apologize. You guys don't care no doubt, but it's something that bugs me nontheless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're wrong. I care.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.T. Flea.....

sounds like fun i wish i could do something like that. hope your having fun. we miss you

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. Frank Tibolt

2:19 PM  

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