Thursday, August 11, 2005

"What's this 'Day of Rest' s--t?"

-- The Big Lebowski

Movie Production Update #6

I just worked a 36 hour day. I've been up for over 40 hours. The last time I slept was monday evening/tuesday afternoon, and I awoke to see Will Patton standing over me.

He and Mark were meeting about stuff, and Mark brought him into our house to show him some things and pick something up. Since we had a 4 PM shoot that day, all the crew got together and partied the night before (which was awesome by the way, the first time in a long time that I felt like I was in college again), so my boss Andrew was passed out on the floor, and I'm on my bed (the couch), half exposed under a sleeping bag. Not really the way you want to be seen by an A-list Hollywood actor.

The night shoot tuesday from 4:00 PM to 4:00 AM went well. Unfortunately, as soon as it was over, I had to start work on setting up the stage for the next day's shoot. That meant that as Rob the DP was heading to bed around 6 AM, he puzzled over seeing my car leave the driveway. He was even more puzzled to see me arrive when he awoke after 12.

All morning and afternoon I worked hard to prepare the shanty set we had built. I needed to clean seven pickle jars and fill them with different colored liquids and place different toys in them so as to appear like "oddities" that an old circus man like Will Patton's character would carry around. But the jar cleaning took a lot longer than expected, and I wanted to create a two-headed alien fetus toy from two baby dolls, and it took a lifetime to pull out every bit of hair on those rubber doll heads.

So, by the time I was finished, I had just enough time to go home, shower, check my email, and go off to the next 4 PM to 4 AM shoot. So, effectively, I just worked a 36 hour day. Wahoo. But hey, that's life on the movie set, no rest for the weary. Especially if you're in the art department. I was the only one on the crew to work a 4 to 4 shoot back to back without any sleep in between, and everyone could tell.

Course, it was Will Patton's first day of shooting, and he liked watching playback of the last take of each shot, and perhaps Mark was nervous about telling Will "Cut" and so on and so forth, but the day got started 2 hours later than it should have, and we were way behind in our schedule.

What that means is we had to cut one of the scenes we were shooting in the shanty.

What that means is we cut a scene that took place at the photo developer's table I had set up using my dad's old photo enlarger.

And what THAT means is we cut out the only scene that really featured all those jars full of alien babies, giant bugs, and shrunken heads that I had sacrificed all my sleep to finish in time.

But I'd rather not think about that last bit. I'd rather pass out. Can't have a beer; after being up for two straight days, I think I'd just black out.

In other news, I went home for a wedding of two old friends, which was nice, but since it was a Baptist wedding there were no drinks and most surprisingly NO dancing. Weird.

Weirder still was to find another old friend from high school working as a groomsman and hearing he just got engaged the previous week. You know, it used to just be really strange when friends of mine were getting married, but it's just getting scarier instead. From here on out, marriages are just going to be... well, normal.

Also, I was able to work out a product placement deal with my dad's wine company, Chateau St. Michelle, and he secured us four cases of wine to use on the movie shoot, which I have already done to much success (I hope).

As for me, it's time to pass out on the couch and enjoy slumber's sweet embrace for the first time in too long.


And oh yeah Mom, if I forget to call you tomorrow, which is likely to happen with all the sleeping and moviemaking I'm planning to partake in... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sleep well, beautiful prince. you deserve it all.

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for remembering; it's the best gift of all. Love and miss you, Mom

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.
Ovid (43 BC - 17 AD)

2:23 PM  

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