Friday, February 04, 2005

Elvis: "No offense, Jack, but President Kennedy was a white man."

JFK: "They dyed me this color! That's how clever they are!"
--Bubba Ho-Tep

Today two great character actors have passed away: Ossie Davis and John Vernon. Ossie Davis, along with Morgan Freeman, was one of the first older black actors I could recognize at a young age. I didn't see him in many movies, but he was the kind of actor I just knew about because of who he was. If I were flipping through commercials or casually watching scenes from other movies and he popped up, I'd be like "Hey, that's Ossie Davis," though I couldn't remember where I knew him from. He just had this appearance of being such a nice guy, carrying himself in a warm and friendly manner with an inviting smile. He worked with Spike Lee often; "Do the Right Thing" being the first joint I saw him in, but I also remember him for roles in "The Client", "Grumpy Old Men", "I'm Not Rappaport", and for his most talked about role recently in the horror/comedy "Bubba Ho-Tep", where he played, that's right, a black John F. Kennedy.

He thinks the U. S. government dyed his skin color black and replaced part of his brain with a small bag of sand to protect his identity, and then put him in a retirement home. There, he meets an elderly man who claims to be the real Elvis (he switched places with an imposter who died in his place) played by Bruce Campbell. Together, they fight a soul-stealing Eqyptian mummy that is killing off old people in the home one by one. Trust me, this movie's hilarious and Ossie's role as JFK is wonderful. Rent it sometime, won't you?

He will be missed.

The other character actor who has passed away is John Vernon. Most of you know him as the evil Dean Wormer from "National Lampoon's Animal House". I also knew him as the voice of crime boss Rupert Thorne from the excellent "Batman: The Animated Series" back in the 90's. I never realized he also did the voices of Dr. Strange in "Spider-Man", Dr. Doom in "Fantastic Four", and General Thunderbolt Ross in "The Incredible Hulk" during the 90's, as well other Marvel superheroes in the 60's cartoon incarnations. He had a great voice.

Vernon also worked with Clint Eastwood in the classics "Dirty Harry" and "The Outlaw Josey Wales", but will probably be most remembered for uttering the classic line "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

I just realized he was also Mr. Big in "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka". Hi-larious!



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