Monday, February 07, 2005

"That team sure sucked last night. They just plain sucked. I've seen teams suck before but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks who ever sucked."

-Homer Simpson

Well that was the most craptacular Super Bowl in years. And the commercials, for once, couldn't even make up for it. Where were the big budget, epic ads like Ridley Scott's "1984" for Apple Computers back in the day? Where were the funny commercials like the Budweiser frogs, the "Wassssup" guys, linebacker Terry Tate knocking out office workers?Where were the movies? Back in 1997 we were given our first glimpses of the "Jurassic Park" sequel, "The Fifth Element", and "Men in Black". The Super Bowl is a perfect opportunity to show cool teasers for upcoming summer films. "War of the Worlds" and "Batman Begins" (one of the best ads of the night) had the right idea. But where was "Star Wars"? "Fantastic Four"? "Kingdom of Heaven"? Are companies realizing that shelling out buttloads of cash for airtime isn't worth the money anymore?

There were only a few ads that stuck in my mind from last night. For instance, the Ameriquest spots where we saw MC Hammer's rise to 15 minutes of fame and subsequent fall into bakruptcy, and the one where it looks like the guy has murdered his cat in the kitchen. The Pepsi ad where numerous good-looking women, including Cindy Crawford, follow a man down the street because he's drinking Pepsi (adding the blonde guy from "Queer Eye" made it memorable). The funniest set of commercials was probably the chimpanzees-in-the-office ads for Career Why? Because monkeys are always funny. That's why. Other than that, it was one piece of crap after another, poorly produced spots that weren't funny and simply didn't belong in the pantheon of Super Bowl commercials.

The worst transgression of the evening? Repeating that Mustang commercial with the iced up convertible in the snow. Three times. The last two times within one minute of each other. Awful.

Maybe advertisers held themselves back this year, for fear of facing the wrath of the FCC after last year's Wardrobe Malfunction debacle. Whatever the case, last night was pretty disappointing. I can remember Super Bowls past where there were only a handful of bad commercials. This year surprised me. There were only a handful of good ones.


P.S. I have updates/corrections for the story on Uncle Joe. Check the comments section under that story.


Blogger Cbake said...

I made a transgression in my post by not mentioning one of the funniest ads of the night: Kinko's and FedEx's "Top Ten List That Every Commercial must have", featuring celebrities (Burt Reynolds), talking, dancing animals (A bear), a classic pop song, hot cheerleaders, and a kick to the groin. Thank you Kinko's and FedEx.

3:34 PM  

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