Friday, April 01, 2005

Project Greenlight, Schmeenlight

You know, I enjoy writing a lot more than I used to. Back in the day writing was such a chore unless I got to be really creative with it. If a class project allowed me to write a story instead of say, a report, then you'd be sure to hear my tale read aloud in class. In 4th grade I wrote about child detectives. 6th grade I wrote about what it'd be like to be a peregrine falcon. In 10th grade I wrote about a mummy's curse for our World History class when we studied Ancient Egypt. My teacher liked it so much she asked my permission to give my story to another history teacher so he could use it in his class.

I still didn't enjoy writing essays, especially in 12th grade when I took AP English and we had to write AP test-style papers every day. That got old fast, but it really taught me how to write well under pressure, and because of that class writing essays in college was a breeze.

I took some creative writing courses to help stimulate some creativity within, and took a Master Screenwriting course for all of my senior year in college. As you can tell from the sub-title of my blog, I want to be a filmmaker, but have spent the past six months as an unemployed bum.

Well, little did you know that in the time since I arrived home from Los Angeles last summer I started working on a new script in my spare time. But I didn't tell anyone about it. I guess I wanted it to be my little secret: Let everyone think I was just bumming around and not doing anything really productive.

And now I'm proud to say I've finished it. It's a western- my first- and revolves around a young 20-something bounty hunter who finds out the wanted criminal he's been chasing is really his long-lost father (how sweet). Together they team up to fight the gang that framed his father for the murder of a local politician, and there's a large shootout that takes place at the grand canyon for the climax of the film. And there's also a buffalo stampede somewhere in there.

I sent it to the friends I made at Scott Free Productions two weeks ago, and they really liked it. I mean, really liked it. Liked it enough to pass it along to some other people at the office. Their bosses maybe? What does that mean? I don't know, probably nothing.

Though maybe, just maybe, it means my script is getting passed higher and higher up the script-readers' food chain, closer to that movie-god Ridley Scott. I know he's been looking for a western to make. That's what I heard last summer, and that's why I started this script. Oh, and for you unoriginal hacks out there- don't bother; I've already had it copyrighted.

So keep your fingers crossed kiddies! Things could be looking up for yours truly. This is a giant leap forward.

And in other news:

The big Star Wars: Episode III spoiler rumor floating the Net is that Anakin Skywalker is really a clone of Emperor Palpatine.

Scientists have successfully cloned the first dinosaur embryo thanks to the recent discovery of soft tissue from a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

My goatee is really glued on yak-hair.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you.
Henri-Frédéric Amiel

You must keep sending work out; you must never let a manuscript do nothing but eat its head off in a drawer. You send that work out again and again, while you're working on another one. If you have talent, you will receive some measure of success - but only if you persist.
Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He deserves Paradise who makes his companions laugh.

3:21 PM  
Blogger TheSloan said...

....dang my, I don't have a quote for you, sorry. I was just browsing my cousin David's recently updated blog this morning when I noticed you had left a comment. When I viewed your profile I noticed you were a fellow filmmaker. Though I am but a humble freshman at UNCW I can certainly relate to the feeling of "What to do now" that I'm sure comes after graduation. I have it now but it's still in the "what to do then" state. Your script sounds cool and I love westerns, best of luck with it and any future endeavors!

11:37 AM  

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