Monday, December 15, 2008

Thoughts on Twitter

Its probably the best kind of blog for someone who takes lots of drugs.


Christmas List 2008 Update: Books

Here are a few books to add to the list, you know, in case you'd discovered you just haven't gotten me enough presents this Christmas/Birthday.

1. "Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 Most Powerful Film Conventions Every Filmmaker Must Know"
by Jennifer Van Sijil

2. "Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Know"
by Jeremy Vineyard.

Well, I uh, I guess that's only two books. One short of "a few". I thought I had another one, but I can't recall it at the moment.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas List 2008

Here's a quick Christmas List for anyone that may be shopping for me this Holiday season. I came up with this pretty quickly, and I fully expect to UPDATE this list frequently as more ideas come to me.


Final Cut Studio (editing software; I need to update beyond that which I have, Final Cut Express)
- I may find a college student friend who can purchase this for me: they get almost half-off I think

A shotgun microphone
- An XLR cable to go with it (attaches to camera)

A sturdier tripod perhaps


-Blade Runner: 4-Disc Collector's Edition
-Wall-E: 3-Disc Special Edition
-Batman: The Animated Series - The COMPLETE Series (like, 17 or 18 discs)
-Ikiru - Criterion Collection (by Akira Kurosawa)
*any other awesome DVDs I might not have (just make sure they're the Special Edition versions, usually more than 1 disc)


-"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - The Complete Recordings" by Howard Shore (4-disc set)
-"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - The Complete Recordings" by Howard Shore (4-disc set)
-Any CD by Jethro Tull. A "Best of", "Aqualung"- something. I've been wanting some Tull for awhile.
*any other interesting soundtracks


-"The Complete Making of Indiana Jones" by J.W. Rinzler
-"The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From the Living Dead" by Max Brooks (preparation for the Zombie Apocalypse)
-Any "Art of" books, like "Art of Wall-E", or "Art of Star Wars: Episode III". I dig any book that has tons of concept art for movies
*any other books on film


-Mola Rom from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
-Henry Jones Sr from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
-Yoda from Star Wars
-any other Mighty Muggs characters (also from the Marvel Universe) that aren't Chewbacca and C-3PO (already have those)


-Guitar Hero IV: World Tour (would prefer to have it come with the new guitar)
-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Bloom Box (created by Steven Spielberg!)

Remember: I'll be updating!


What I Learned From the Presidential Election

Obama is an easy person to imitate.

John McCain should have been president the past 8 years, but not the next 4.

I never want to see Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber ever again.

The John McCain we've seen the past 9 months was actually a robot made by the Republican party. They destroyed that robot as punishment after it failed to secure the presidency, and the real McCain was released to give his concession speech.

Give Palin a tv show. I won't watch it. But don't give her the chance to rule the nation.

The Election might be responsible for a resurgence in Saturday Night Live's popularity over the next few years.

Making Joe the Plumber a symbol for the Republican party was and is a bad, bad idea.

With Obama's victory, the rest of the world looks at America as something to once again be respected, admired, and imitated. I don't think any other candidate could have done that.
