Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Two Stupid Dogs

Animal Control just came by. They say my dogs wandered two houses down through the backyards and double-teamed and attacked a black lab. Beat him up pretty good. Sent him to the vet. Owner is crazy pissed. Did all this while I was out for the evening. Animal Control left a letter on my front door knob, but I don't go in that way so I missed it when I came home around 10:30 PM.

The owner of the victim said he wanted to take matters into his own hands (the cop tells me), whatever that means, against me, my dad, or the dogs, who knows.

The cop was nice about it, showing up to talk to me around 12:45. I'm not sure how it happened, as the dogs have electric fence collars and I just rechecked them five days ago to make sure they worked. Either the dogs found a way to get around the range, or the batteries are dying.

Either way I'm pissed. I'm not a fan of castration, but my dad needs to have Burrito's balls snipped off. He's way too aggressive, attacking possums, raccoons, and now dogs that live two houses down and are fenced in. Apparently the black lab was so aggitated by my dogs trying to attack him through the fence that he burst through the gate only to catch a smackdown from my boys.

I'm not proud about it. I'm pissed.


P.S. In response to your queries:
I don't know what's going to happen.
I don't know how bad the other dog is.
I have to call my dad and tell him about it tomorrow, and then he has to call the officer and talk to him. The officer said right now they have to issue a containment order until they get everything straightened out, which means I have to keep Buddy and Burrito locked in the basement and hope they don't piss and crap all over the place. I'm more worried about the other owner, hoping he doesn't sue or something. And I'm hoping there won't be some sort of confrontation between him and me tomorrow too...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, that stinks.i fell for you, really,i do.i didnt know they could be so vicious!im so sorry.
luv ya
xoxo Allie
how about that movie?me n mom want to be in it.please?

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christopher, I'm surprised at your rush to judgement. The person in question is of questionable nature and has constantly let his dogs run loose through the neighborhood. Neither you, the neighbors or I have witnessed Buddy or Burrito going through the electric fence so why would you automatically agree with the ex-hippie drug dealer down the street. Just because we have two dogs? Isn't it hard to believe that they would intentionally run through an electric fence (together) to go three houses away to agitate another dog, attack the dog, come home through the electric fence and get shocked (together) again and not have a spot of the victim dogs blood on them or and cuts, bites etc.? Think about it. I guess it's possible but seems highly unlikely. We'll see what the officers report states later today (Friday). Have faith my son.

7:41 AM  

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